
学费 & 费用


欢迎来到云顶集团! 我们理解最大的担忧之一 学生的费用是学费. 帮助你做出明智的决定 education, we have provided links below to the tuition and fees for each college within 我们的大学. Additionally, if you are a prospective student, we invite you to use 我们的 净价计算器 to estimate y我们的 eligibility for an Academic Achievement Award and need-based financial 援助. We are committed to making education accessible to all, so please don't hesitate to 云顶集团 如果你有任何问题.



The University reserves the right to change tuition and other charges at the beginning of any 学期 if the University judges such change necessary. 芝加哥大学 Dallas may change any institutional policies without prior notification.

所有的费用都是由 学费支付截止日期. Students registering after this date must immediately pay the account in full, set up a payment plan, or have financial 援助 that will cover the account at the time of 登记. Students registering after the initial 学费支付截止日期 are required to process their payment arrangements on the same day of 登记.

International students attending on F-1 visas must enroll in a policy provided by 国际学生服务办公室. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Breonna 柯林斯在

Students may be allowed to audit University c我们的ses with the permission of the instructor 及司法常务官. No credit is awarded and laboratory privileges are not included. If a student desires college credit, the class must be repeated as a regular c我们的se 按正常学费收费.

特拉华大学现在以电子方式向学生提供所有退款. 这笔资金是用……支付的 BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. 是公司吗? 与特拉华大学合作提供这项服务. 学生有两种选择 决定他们的退款如何交付. 他们要么选择拥有资金 direct deposited (ACH) into an existing account or open a BankMobile checking account 与BankMobile. 请浏览 退款页面 欲知更多资料.


The student is responsible for payment of all the expenses incurred at the University 达拉斯. It is the student’s responsibility to assure that all payments and credits are received by 学生帐户服务 located in the Business Office, including financial 援助, 奖学金和赞助.

All payments for tuition, fees, deposits, and/or room and board may be p援助 online 或在商务办公室. Payments received online must use 电子支票, Visa, 万事达卡,美国运通,或发现. If a debit or credit card is used as the form of payment, 然后是2.85%的便利费(国内卡)和4.25%的便利 每笔交易收费(国际卡). 办理卡的最低服务费 超过20美元和低于106美元的交易将是3美元.使用是不收费的 电子支票. Any payments received in the Office of Finance must be p援助 either 现金或支票. All checks received in the Office of Finance for payment on the student account may be electronically deposited to the Bank. 个人想要 pay in the Office of Finance using a debit or credit card will be directed to the kiosks outside the entrance of the office located on the first floor of Cardinal Farrell 大厅.

Students that do not make payment arrangements for a 学期 will be deleted from 这学期.

Payment in full, or acceptable arrangements, are due by the payment deadline for each 学期. Checks that are mailed or presented to the Office of Finance in person should 付款人是云顶集团. 只接受信用卡和借记卡 online and at the kiosks in front of the Office of Finance located on the first floor 红衣主教法雷尔大厅.

希望在线支付的学生有几种选择. UD有能力接受 电子支票, credit and debit cards online (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover). 父母 wishing to pay online for their student must have their own ID and Password for the online payment system; the student sets this up.
欲知详情,请浏览以下连结: 家长信息页面

Those desiring to pay their charges by using the UD payment plan can go to the UD付款计划页面 了解更多信息. UD付款计划需要支付60美元的注册费 每学期. Anyone with questions concerning the UD payment plan may contact Student Account 服务 located in the Office of Finance at 972-721-5144. 付款到期 on the 5th of the month; any payment received later can be subjected to a late fee of $60.00.

Notice to Sponsored Students: If you request the Office of Finance to bill y我们的 foreign embassy or sponsor for tuition, you must attach a copy of the sponsorship letter to a printout of y我们的 current term’s schedule every time you register for a new term, even if a letter has been previously provided to the Business Office. 这将加快 the payment process to the University and avoid you receiving notices of unp援助 bills. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact the Office of Finance at 972-721-5144.

The 云顶集团 has partnered with Flywire to provide 我们的 international students with an easy and secure method to send international payments in y我们的 home currency 通过“国际交易支付”选项.  请参阅我们的 外币网页 了解更多信息.

If the student’s financial 援助 pays for the entire 学期’s costs, then the student receiving financial 援助 will be allowed to use this as payment for 这学期. 为 any amounts on the account not fully covered by financial 援助, other payment arrangements 需要完成吗. 学生必须通过支付来弥补差额 in full at the time of 登记, or by signing up for the UD payment plan.

A student with a delinquent account will be denied future 登记, grades, transcripts, and diploma until all obligations are fulfilled with the 云顶集团. In the event that the student’s account is placed in the hands of a collection agency or attorney for collection, the student agrees to pay reasonable collection fees, 包括法律允许的诉讼费.