
现有捐赠奖学金-发展及大学关系处-大学 of Dallas

Existing Endowed Scholarships

A partial list of endowed scholarships appears below. We would welcome your support in any of these scholarship funds.

To make a gift to any of these endowed scholarship funds, please visit hbtfz.com/give. In the drop-down menu, select “other.” Please indicate the name of the scholarship you wish to support in the field that appears.

You may also send a check to:
Office of Development and University Relations
University of Dallas
1845 E. Northgate Dr. Box# 705
Irving, TX 75062

请将您希望支持的奖学金名称写在申请表的备注栏中 check.


Instructor in Core Class


Dr. Frank Doe Scholarship in Biology
The Dr. Frank Doe Scholarship in Biology was established in 2019 by Debbie Daniel, 77届文学士,生物系校友,还有库尔特·丹尼尔,74届文学士,是 the Politics Department, to honor their former professor.

Dr. Warren M. and Anne Marie Pulich Scholarship
The Pulich Scholarship is named in honor of Dr. Warren M. Pulich, a founding faculty member of the Biology Department at UD, and his wife, Anne Marie. The Pulich Scholarship supports students majoring in biology, chemistry or physics.


John and Elizabeth "Babe" Hrivnak Memorial Scholarship in Business
约翰和伊丽莎白“宝贝”赫里夫纳克纪念奖学金提供经济援助 to MBA students in the Gupta College of Business. This scholarship was endowed by Joe Gigler MBA '80 and Carol S. Gigler in 2020. The Hrivnak Scholarship is the largest scholarship in the history of the Gupta College of Business.

Saleh Scholarship in Business
The Saleh Scholarship supports undergraduate students majoring in business.

John L. and Bonnie P. Strauss Scholarship in Business
The Strauss Scholarship was endowed by former trustee John L. Strauss and his wife, Bonnie. The scholarship supports undergraduate students majoring in business.


C.W. Eaker Scholarship for Chemistry/Biochemistry 
The C.W. Eaker Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student majoring in chemistry or biochemistry. The scholarship was established in 2019 by the Galbraith family in honor of former Provost C.W. Eaker.


Father Placid L. Csizmazia, O. Cist., Memorial Scholarship in Classics
普莱西德·齐马齐亚神父古典文学纪念奖学金提供奖学金 assistance to a student majoring in classics. The scholarship was endowed in 2019 by an anonymous donor.


Dr. Steven Pejovich Scholarship in Economics
Trustee Gregory Hoelscher, Ph.D., BA ’77, and his wife, Robin Sherwood, established this scholarship in honor of Dr. Steven Pejovich to benefit a student majoring in economics.


Dr. Eileen Gregory Scholarship in English
Trustee Mary Ritter, J.D., BA '85, an alumna of the English Department, endowed this scholarship in 2019 to honor her former professor Eileen Gregory, Ph.D., BA '68.

Dr. Dona S. Gower Memorial Scholarship in English
The Dona S. 高尔纪念奖学金颁发给英语专业成绩优异的大四学生 financial need. The scholarship was established in 2014 by a gift from the Athena Foundation.

Christine S. Kiegerl Memorial Scholarship in English
The Christine S. Kiegerl Memorial Scholarship was established in 1997 by Mike and 佩吉·基格尔纪念他们的女儿克里斯汀,她是1994届的一员 who died just before her graduation.

First-Generation Students

“Super” Dave LeMire Endowment
为纪念戴夫·勒米尔而设立的第一代本科生基金 to make a UD education more affordable. Super Dave was an undergraduate in the late 1970’s and returned to UD to work as a Campus Safety officer in August of 1982. He 受到几代学生、教职员工和校友的喜爱,并将继续下去 to keep the campus safe for future students.

Cowan-Shillingburg Scholarship
贝纳德和克里斯汀·考恩设立了这项奖学金,以纪念贝纳德的父母, 特拉华州传奇人物唐纳德·考恩和路易丝·考恩,以及路易丝的父母威尔·希林伯格和薇塔·希林伯格, both staunch supporters of education. This scholarship intends to fund first-generation 在云顶集团注册的学生,向他们打开教育的世界, and help these students seek a life of the mind, soul, and imagination.

John and Anne Joseph Memorial Scholarship
在2021年,主教米拉姆·约瑟夫,特拉华大学的第六任总统,建立了这个基金的荣誉 of his parents, John and Anne Joseph, to support first-generation students. Married in 1933, John and Anne Joseph had two children and five grandchildren. They raised 他们在达拉斯的家,约翰在干洗店工作,安妮在 a charter member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church and Our Lady’s Altar Society.


Class of 1981 Scholarship
The Class of 1981 established this endowment in honor of their 40th reunion. The scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior student with a 3.0 GPA or higher who is at risk of leaving the university before their degree is completed. The fund was established 在2022年通过米哈伊尔·麦金托什-多蒂,约翰·唐纳利,苏珊·弗雷尔的慷慨解囊 and Carolyn Lyde
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Class of 1985 Scholarship
The Class of 1985 Scholarship will support a Junior or Senior student with a 3.0 GPA 或更高的人有可能在完成学位之前离开大学. 它还将为班级提供指导和支持接受者的机会 as encourage these recipients to give back when it is their turn. The fund was established 将于2021年由85届毕业生颁发,以纪念去世的同学和朋友 ahead of them.
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Class of 1986 One Body, One Spirit Endowment
1986届毕业生为了纪念他们第35次重聚而建立了这个基金 on the physical and mental health of students. This fund will strengthen the university's 通过提供一个中心位置来帮助学生,从而为特拉华大学的学生群体提供服务 满足学生身心健康的需要,确保所有学生(包括毕业生) 学生)可以获得保健服务,并作为学生的学习实验室 在物理和健康科学以及咨询和心理学方面通过实习 and practicums.
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National Alumni Board Endowed Scholarship
国家校友委员会捐赠奖学金是由国家校友委员会创建的 to assist students in attaining their degree at the University of Dallas.  This scholarship is awarded annually, open to Juniors and Seniors in any area of study.

Senator William R. Haine Leadership Scholarship
这项奖学金是为了纪念前云顶集团的家长和伊利诺伊州而设立的 State Senator William Haine. It will be awarded to one student each year based on 一个征文比赛中,他们将被要求讨论他们的形象如何 将大学的校训“真义勤奋”或“爱真理与正义”纳入校训。 into the work of public service

Sybil Novinski Scholarship Fund
Sybil Novinski奖学金由83届文学士Eileen McPherson Meinert创立, 以及大卫·迈纳特,以表彰西比尔为学校做出的杰出贡献 community in a variety of roles that included  registrar, associate academic dean, associate provost and university historian. By 设计,诺维斯基奖学金提供无限制的一般奖学金支持 to reflect Sybil's commitment to UD's entire student body.


Suhail "C.C." Hameed Memorial Scholarship in History
The C.C. Hameed Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student majoring in history. The scholarship was established in 2019 in the memory of Suhail “C.C.” Hameed, BA ’94, by his family.

Institute of Philosophic Studies (IPS)

Dr. Robert E. Wood Institute of Philosophic Studies Endowment Fund
Named in honor of longtime philosophy professor Robert E. Wood, PhD., who taught at UD for nearly four decades and in 2018 was honored with the prestigious Aquinas Medal, this fund provides stipends for married students in the doctoral program.

Legacy Students

Endowed Alumni Legacy Scholarships
云顶集团全国校友会成立了捐资校友会 遗产奖学金,1994年,以支持已录取和在读学生谁有一个 parent, grandparent, or sibling graduate from the University.


Dr. Charles Coppin Scholarship in Mathematics
The Dr. Charles Coppin Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student majoring in mathematics. The scholarship was endowed in 2019 by anonymous donors to honor Dr. Coppin.  


Father Thomas Matthias Cain, O.P., Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy
The Father Thomas Matthias Cain, O.P., Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy benefits a student majoring in philosophy. The fund was created by the generosity of Trustee Annmarie (Flynn) Kelly, BA ’91, and Robert (Bob) Kelly, MA ’92 PhD ’95.

St. John Henry Newman Scholarship in Philosophy
The St. 约翰·亨利·纽曼哲学奖学金有利于研究生获得 a Ph.D. in philosophy though the Institute of Philosophic Studies. The fund was established 马修·海杜克(Matthew Hejduk)和他的妻子朱莉娅·海杜克(Julia Hejduk)在2020年的慷慨捐助下, Ph.D.


Drs. Helen and Leo Paul De Alvarez Scholarship in Politics
The Drs. Helen and Leo Paul De Alvarez Scholarship in Politics was established in 2019 by
库尔特·丹尼尔,74届文学士,政治系校友,黛比·丹尼尔,文学士 '77, an alumna of the Biology Department, to honor their former professor.

The Dr. Laurence D. Nee Memorial Scholarship in Politics benefits a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in politics through the Institute of Philosophic Studies. 该基金于2020年由Ed Gramling, MA '93, Bridget (Barvick) Gramling, 90届文学士克里斯·格拉姆林,和92届文学士希拉·格拉姆林,以纪念他们 of their friend and fellow UD alumnus.


Sr. Mary Clodovia Lockett Scholarship in Pre-Med
The Sr. Mary Clodovia Lockett Scholarship provides financial assistance to students in their senior year of the pre-med program.


Timothy Andrew Sheridan Memorial Scholarship Fund in University Theater
这项奖学金是由1977年的校友马蒂·谢里登为纪念她的侄子而设立的 Tim, who passed away from COVID-19 in 2020. Tim had such a love for theater and had 从那时起,在纽约布鲁克林的“画廊玩家”(Gallery Players)担任过舞台内外的各种角色 2011. Preference for this scholarship will be given to UD students with a major or minor concentration in drama or those who are involved in University Theater.